ABC Design online advertising agency

A reliable partner for your business

ABC Design has been providing comprehensive range of Internet and e-commerce solutions services, B2B, CRM systems, corporate identity and other services since 1999. Our clients include large and small companies not only from Slovakia, but also from Austria, Germany, Great Britain and the USA.

Online campaign

Who we are

Our online advertising agency has been providing programming, graphics and online marketing services since 1999. We are a partner of many large and small companies and agencies. We will fully meet your requirements for online business, marketing or IT systems, from design and development to deployment. An outsourcing form (subcontracting) of our services is also available for advertising, online and programming agencies, graphic studios and individuals. We work with several agencies in Austria, Germany, Great Britain and the USA.

How we work

Together we will make your business better

When providing our services, we take care of your wants and needs and strive to come up with the best possible way to effectively improving your business. In doing so, we pay special attention to the cost-benefit ratio. Therefore, to propose the best possible solution – and later be on time and budget – we would greatly appreciate your gross budget estimation before we send you our price quotation.

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What we do

What we do

Things we were born to do, although there is so much more…

When developing a project, we work with various opensource content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Typo3, Prestashop, Magento. We can develop any required features into these platforms. However, apart from these, we also handle custom development whether through frameworks such as React, Laravel, Nette and others. We are proficient in PHP, Javascript, Java, X Code and many other technologies. As well as developing websites and e-shops, we can also develop corporate systems and applications.

We can help you prepare and run online campaigns for Google ads, Facebook, Instagram, Heureka, Youtube, email marketing and many more. On top of online campaigns, we can also take care of print advertising designs such as flyers, billboards, city light, magazine ad designs, etc. product or packaging design is ‘no problemo‘ for us either. If zou turn to us, consider it done!

Our team

Together we will make your business better

Rastislav - správa google ads



I am in charge of running the company, designing documentation for the systems and managing the developers to ensure that your project turns out as you expect. My expertise is in graphics design and marketing, where I typically look after larger clients.

Jozef - návrhy firmených systémov


Executive Manager

I manage enterprise systems development projects for larger companies and I am also involved in process automation. I am native in both English and Korean, but I don’t get lost in German either. That’s why I mostly look after foreign clientele.



Account Manager & Law

I am in charge of quotations, communication with you and overseeing the development of the project. I am proficient in WordPress and CSS and help with projects. In addition, I handle contracts in collaboration with a law firm.

Martin - prestashop


Account Manager

I’m an e-commerce developer and my particular field of expertise is in Prestashop. Based on the graphics design I will prepare basic system settings for programmers. I communicate with you about the design and development, features and tweaks of the eshop.

Pavel - server specialist


Server specialist

A website, eshop, or system will never function properly without a proper server, especially in case of a high-traffic project. I am here to make sure that our projrcts run at full potential and your data is safe.

Ondřej Senior backed developer


Chief programmer

After handing over the project documentation, I am in charge of managing the development of large projects. If you are dealing with a portal, a corporate system or a mobile application with our company, I will be the one to make sure that all goes well.

Jan - Typo3 programmer


Programmer TYPO3 expert

I am here to code the websites, eshops and IT systems. I’ll be there for you to help where others have failed. However my real field of expertise is development in the TYPO3 CMS. I mostly work on long term projects such as Cinemax, Soga and Cryoniq.

Martin - junior wordpress developer


Wordpress developer

I specialize in WordPress. I’m new to the company and I’m learning a lot, so I’m typically in charge of smaller projects. Once the graphic design is approved, the development of the website on WordPress will go to me.

Františka - copywriter


Graphic designer, copywriting

I design graphics, write website content and fill projects with content. Although I’m still studying law I will probably continue to do graphic design.

Alex - Frontend developer


Front end developer

My territory is the frontend – this is what the website/portal visitors see with their own eyes. I specialize in React and am an expert. I mostly deal with large portal solutions and enterprise systems. I have done several large projects.

Rebeka - správa sociálnych sietí


Account manager

I take care of the smooth development of your project. In addition, I am responsible for social media management and content marketing. My other responsibilities include the design of online campaign strategies.

Miro - backend programmer


Back end developer

My area is the back-end – this is the part of the system that you can’t see, but is crucial to the proper functioning of all software. I typically code larger custom projects where my work is indispensable.

Who we work for

Together we will make your business better

Commercial companies

With years of experience in the field of web design, e-shops and online marketing, we can increase your brand awareness and your company’s profit. We are not just your standard web agency. We offer our extensive experience in development and implementation of IT systems that will streamline the operation of your company. Regardless if you are big or small, we work with everyone.

Outsourcing for online agencies

Online services is an up and down kind of business. At times, your agency’s business is quiet. But at times you are either overloaded or are missing your key people and therefore can’t meet your deadlines and are potentially losing some of your deals or even clients. This is when we come in handy!
We offer our comprehensive services as your subcontractor agency, which practically means that your agency only takes care of sales and all else is provided for you by us.

Outsourcing for graphic design studios

We can relieve graphic studios in times of overload, but you will appreciate our major benefit – competence in programming. We can thus take care of all you need to complete your work – from website graphics design to coding.

Outsourcing for programming companies

For programming companies, we can help with the design of UI and UX graphics, or provide project documentation to speed up and simplify the work of your coders. We will write up the complete project documentation for you so there are no misunderstandings when programming the project.


Individuals can enjoy the same level of collaboration we provide to commercial companies, online marketing and programming agencies and graphic studios.
You will appreciate how we relieve you of work so that you can focus on gaining customers. We can provide you with any product from our portfolio on a turnkey basis under favorable financial conditions.

This is how we work together

Contact us

1. Contact

We listen to your needs

Online campaign strategy

2. Strategy

We propose a solution

I want a new web

3. Project takes off

After 50% advance payment
from the project price

Web site finalization

4. Completion and debugging

Incorporation of your comments


5. Launch

Project launch
and final payment


6. Finetuning

suggestions for improvement
to jack up your profit


Contact us

Contact form

    Phone and e-mail

    Monday to Friday
    from 10:00 to 18:00

    if we are busy, we’ll call you back

    or non-stop email

    or text message to the above phone number

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