
websites, web shops, portals and advertising

analyýza užívateľov web stránky

Increase the efficiency of your website, web shop or portal

Creating a website or any web solution without analysis alone will not guarantee the success of your business. All web solutions as well as advertising should be properly designed not according to the author’s idea, but according to the real functioning of users. For this reason, before developing a new website, it’s a good idea to find out more about the visitors’ behaviour on the original web solution so that you know which specific sections are important to the user and which are less. Based on this information, we can create a new web solution more efficiently.

Increase the efficiency of your website, web shop or portal and gain more customers and greater profits.

Analyses are most often used in the following areas

Discover the possibilities and find out the benefits

Website analysis – to make the website attract more customers

In order for a website to bring the expected results, it is extremely important to find out the real needs of its users when creating it. Many times, the original idea of ​​a website can be in stark contrast to what users are really interested in. For this reason, it is important to know this information in advance and use it to use the relevant structure of the website and texts that will be attractive to its visitors.

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Web shop analysis – increase the sales of your online store

If the website does not force the user to think, this is doubly true for an online store. The web shop is about the direct sale of products and even seemingly small errors in finding goods or the purchasing process, can deprive you of a large number of customers. It often happens that by removing the incorrect expression and replacing it with the correct one, orders on the web shop will increase by several percent.

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Portal analysis – save money per server

Highly visited portals usually require investment in server hardware, or server rental. To alleviate these high costs, procedures can be applied that we can obtain by analyzing the user’s behavior on the portal. Thanks to clearer and more efficient retrieval of information on the portal, its user accessibility will increase, and at the same time the number of requests to the server will be reduced, which will affect the speed of the portal and the operating costs of the server.

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SEO analysis – reach the right customers

SEO is usually a long-term process that can require higher costs. For this reason, it’s important to make a correct decision for the right keywords. In a situation when keywords are misused, a web solution may rank high in search results, but it will not benefit you in terms of new customers or sales. It follows that the keywords should be chosen correctly.

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PPC analysis – don’t waste your money on ineffective advertising

Funds invested in PPC advertising can account for a significant portion of your monthly turnover. That is why it is very important that they are used effectively. The analysis will help you make your ad more effective so that it brings you more customers at a lower cost.

Other related services

Services related to analyses

tvorba web stránok

Website development

Based on the analysis, we will redesign your website so that it is more efficient… you can find out more in the Website development section.

tvorba eshopov

Web shops

After analyzing the shortcomings on the way to the web shop, we will proceed to changes to streamline your sales … more in the Web shops section.

SEO - optimalizácia pre vyhľadávače


Thanks to SEO analysis, we can ensure a better position of your website or web shop in search results… more in the SEO section.

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