Banner – creating banners

Creating banners for advertising campaigns

Tvorba bannerov

Make your campaign visually pleasing

Banners are widely used in online advertising. They are used in campaigns to increase brand awareness, sales and remarketing. These banners can be used in Google Ads campaigns in the content network and in remarketing. Another use is in campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. Banners can be static or dynamic and can contain animations. Some ad networks require banners to have a certain maximum KB size.
Learn more below.

Graphic banner designs for different campaign types

Where are they used

Google Ads Campaign Banners – Content Network and Remarketing

Google remarketing is one of the most effective online campaigns. It works as followed- a visitor visits your website, and with the code implemented on your site, Google knows about that visitor. By visiting your website, it will start offering advertising banners for your company and thus keep your business in the mind of the visitor.

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Image ad designs and backgrounds for facebook pages

When creating graphics for Facebook ads, it is important to follow the rules of this social network. Otherwise, your campaign may be disapproved or you may pay significantly more for your campaign than if the graphics were designed correctly. Another factor in creating is that the advertisement is strong and engaging enough to attract potential customers. In addition to graphic designs for advertising, we also create headers for Facebook pages and groups. Headers have a big impact on the initial impression of a facebook page or a group.

Graphic designs for Instagram ads

Instagram is a social network based on images, stories and videos, so quality ad creation is a must. Image ads must be compelling and different in content and ideas from the competition. If you would like your campaign to be successful through this platform, please contact us..

Graphic ad designs for other forms of campaigns

We mentioned above the most basic forms where graphic design campaigns are used in the online world. There are also many other options where it is possible to use the creation of banners and advertisements, such as banners on Slovak networks such as, we, economic newspapers, the Sklik advertising campaign and many other Slovak and foreign portals.

We not only create graphics, but also effectively manage the campaign

Effective campaign management – lower costs, higher profits

google ads icon

Campaign Google Ads

Not only well-designed banners are enough for an effective campaign, but it is equally important to set it up correctly … more in the Google Ads Management section.


Facebook campaign

Would you like a higher number of customers and visitors? Effective facebook ad settings will help you with that… more in the Facebook campaign section.

Instagram icon

Instagram campaign

Get more customers through instagram advertising through its correct settings… more in the Instagram campaign section.

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