Development of web portals

We will design a portal matching your ideas

Tailor-made web portals for you

We can develop any web portal based on your wants and needs, be it is a search engine dealing with products, cars, information, blogs, auctions or others.
Whether you plan to have a personal, regional, news or business portal, we are there to design it for you. Each type of web portal has its specifics. You can find out more in the section below.

Vývoj portálu na mieru

Web portal development – the process

Developing a web portal is in most cases a challenging project requiring a lot of technical as well as programming experience. Before taking the decision, functionality and budget requirements should be thoroughly discussed. Besides software, the project requires a suitable hardware solution – server, dedicated server, cloud. You can find out more details on web portal development in the following sections.

The web portal development costs range from tens to hundreds of thousands of euros, depending on the scope and complexity of the solution.

Quality programming job
is the foundation of your portal success

Tvorba portálov

What does it take to design a web portal?

Development process – frequently asked questions

How much does it cost?

The web portal development costs hinge on several factors. In order to provide a well-informed price estimate, we would therefore need more details from you. These include the purpose of the web portal, whether it is a smaller personal project or rather a news or business web portal. It is also important to share with us the required functionality and expected traffic, as well as a number of other factors. All these details are key to the right price estimate.

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Project documentation – graphics design and system description

For larger and more sophisticated web portals, on top of the web graphics design, it is necessary to prepare documentation containing the complete functionality of the system and a detailed description of each part. The project documentation serves as a tool for avoidance of misunderstandings between the customer and the IT developer. Therefore, having as detailed documentation as possible is key to a smooth development process.

Web Portal programming, platform options

Based on your ideas of the web portal and specification of its functions, the most suitable option for its development would be selected. Minor projects can be developed on ready-made, albeit modified, platforms. This type of approach allows for a more favorable budget and a shorter development time – in range of only weeks.

On the other hand, major projects with expected high traffic need to be developed from scratch.

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Tests and debugging

If you opt for a tailor-made solution and once the programming phase is over, it is necessary to completely test the functionality and debug the code before getting your portal started.
Testing and debugging takes a third to a half of the portal development time of the in the case of an extensive project. For portals with expected high traffic (tens of thousands of users per day), it is advisable to perform stress tests before launching.

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Are you interested in a web portal development?

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Project documentation for development

Project documentation

When developing a larger web portal, project documentation is necessary for a worthwhile result – more in the Project Documentation section.

Web design

Web design

An integral part of creating a web portal is also its graphic design, otherwise called web design… you can find out more in the Web design section.

Campaign management


When your web portal is up and running, you should not forget about attracting the visitors. Marketing come into place here… find out more in the Marketing section.

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