Development of websites

we design websites that sell

Webdesign cinemax

Website – one of the fundamentals of a successful business

Web design is not just about cranking out websites mechanically. To design a quality website a number of seemingly unrelated activities need to be strung together delicately. If done well then – and only then – the desired result can be achieved.

When designing a website, the most sought-after qualities are clarity, user-friendliness and ease of navigation. These elements will assure achieving your goals.

A well-designed website will attract many new clients and increase the turnover of your business even by hundreds of percent!

Benefits of working with us

We have been designing websites for over 20 years. During that time, we’ve been through a lot of valuable experience. Today, we offer our experience for you to achieve your desired goals.

During website development, we strive to understand your specific needs and put on the shoes of your customer. In this way we are able to deliver truly sophisticated solutions that will benefit your company for many years to come.

Unlike many other web companies, we meet deadlines and keep in touch with you during development. We want your website to bring you the results you desire. On top of that – unlike many others – we can actually code, so we can develop almost any required functionality and make your website meet your requirements and ideas.

You can start any business with our website design

Website is not the goal – the goal is to bring you as many customers as possible

Návštevnosť web stránky

Website ranking

Google ranking or paid advertising

Tvorba web stránky

Looks and clarity

comprehensive product information

Objednávka z web stránky

Call to action & contact

simple contact info

Nárast tržieb cez web stránku

Increase in conversions

the actual goal of your website

traffic source

Website ranking

Google ranking or paid advertising

Website development

Looks and clarity

comprehensive product information

Order of products

Call to action & contact

simple contact info

increase in sales from the website

Increase in conversions

the actual goal of your website

When designing a website the actual goal is to stimulate the demand for your goods and services. To this end it is imperative to develop a truly high quality and sophisticated solution and make sure visitors are coming. We can get visitors to your website in a number of ways – you can read about them in the SEO or Paid advertising sections.

Your website is your tool

Quality website requires…


The visitor should not get lost

If your website is messy, the visitor will not be able to access the desired information and will simply leave. Therefore, when designing websites, we strive to make your website navigation as easy for the visitor as possible.

UI and UX     Customer analysis


Your content needs to be easy to grasp

The clarity of the text on the website is almost the single most important part of development. If the visitors do not understand the message you want to get across to them, they will leave your website in confusion.



to see is to believe

As the saying goes seeing once is better than hearing or reading about a hundred times. High-quality images will ‘click’ with the visitors immediately and make them get a good grasp of the offered goods or services.

Photography and photostocks

Content Management system

Administration and functionality

The platform on which the website is built has a decisive impact on how easily – or hard – you can edit the information displayed on the website for your customers. The management system also affects functionality.

CMS WordPress   Typo3   CMS


The attention span is short

The website should show up as fast as possible so that the visitor is not left waiting for the content to load. Website speed also affects Google search engine.

Graphics and looks

In God Image we trust

If your website looks good, so does the visitor feel about it. This makes your potential cutomers trust in your products or services presented on it. Gaining trust is the paramount of all your hopes for the desired end-result.

SEO and advertising

there is no profit without traffic

A website without traffic is practically non-existent. While there are many ways to attract visitors, SEO and advertising are the kings of all of them.


Corporate identity

stand out from the crowd

The website should be graphically designed to include elements of your corporate identity so that the visitors can immediately recognize your business when visiting your site.


makes navigation easier

Besides all the already mentioned elements a call to action is another important part of the website. You can simplify this action for the visitors by using elements that lead them to send their inquiry or to complete their purchase.

This is how we can help you succeed

As already indicated, a website itself is only one part of success. Our agency is therefore dedicated to providing you with complex solutions. Only then we can feel comfortable helping you meet your ends.
One of the best methods is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO brings traffic to your website. If you want to get immediate results with your website, you will probably need paid advertising – search engine marketing (SEM). The right advertisement settings will ensure that the customers who are interested in your goods or services will be properly navigated to your website. However, that may still not be enough!
After the ad campaign is launched, we observe and analyze the behavior of the visitors.
We then optimize your website for easier use resulting in higher inquiries and conversions.

Website pricing

We can design a website within almost any budget.
However, as already explained, designing a website itself is just one part of the success story. Another part is getting visitors to your website. The price of paid advertising usually ranges between 35 to 200 euro per day on average.
As a result, the amount invested in advertising can range from € 12,000 per year.
Now that the advertisement is attracting visitors, traffic on your website is going up. But that is not the end of the story.
If your website is not good enough, people will leave for better alternatives, thus turning the advertising budget into waste.

If you are looking for a serious partner who can improve your business, do not hesitate to contact us.

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