Car rental system linked to the web portal

Development of a tailor-made IT management system consisting of two parts

Car rental management system

Based on the client’s requirements, we designed a comprehensive solution for a car rental company. The system consists of two parts.
Car rental management forms the core of the system. It includes a complete overview of the fleet, car rental branches, rentals, customers, vehicle operating costs, notifications of upcoming insurance payments and many other functions.
All data entered here are synchronized with the web portal. The customers can thus search for their desired car based on the up-to-date availability status of each individual car.

Customer web portal

The vehicles are displayed on the web portal for the customers based on their individually updated availability status by the car rental companies.
The rental company has the option of displaying the vehicles on the web portal – or not displaying them and keeping them for internal purposes.
This part of the web portal consists of an available cars search engine and allows for advanced filtering.
The practical implications for the customers include the rental price comparison between the various car rental companies.
Finally, when the customers make bookings, they are automatically transferred to the car rental back-end of each individual rental company.

Firemný systém a portál
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