Tvorba web stránky pre donášku

Eshop with a special mobile responsivity

Eshop, delivery operator system WordPress, WooCommerce, Nette


Development of website with an e-shop for alcohol delivery in Bratislava. Delivery services have several specifics compared to classic eshop solutions. In this segment, the number of mobile phone visitors makes around 95 percent. For this reason, in the first phase of the project, we focused mainly on this type of customers. Of course, we did not neglect the desktop version of the project. Both the mobile and desktop versions contain an e-shop built on WooCommerce. The e-shop is modified for the needs of delivery services. The shopping process calculates the delivery cost based on the quantity of the goods and the distance from the delivery place. The e-shop section also offers payment by card. On the mobile version of the website, there is an option to choose from bundles that can also be paid for via SMS payment.

Operator module for assigning orders to drivers

Efficiency via simplicity

The goal of any delivery service is to get the ordered goods to the customer as quickly and efficiently as possible. For this reason, the eshop website is interfaced to the operator module where the operator assigns the order to the driver according to the geo-zone to which the driver is currently headed. This results in delivery efficiency – the time for order processing is shortened and fuel is saved at the same time. Among other things, the system can see the number of orders the driver has handled in a given day and view its efficiency. In addition, the operations manager gets an overview of sales for a given day or period of time. Orders can be sorted by the selected payment type, and repeat buyers rewarded. We are currently developing warehouse management and other features.

Web design

Web design / UI /UX

Programovanie na mieru

Web coding

Nákupný proces

Purchasing process

Mobilná verzia

Mobile version

Eshop na mieru

Graphic design

We tried to make the purchasing process as simple as possible so that everyone can buy easily on the website. We made sure everything, including the look and feel of the site, is easy to interact with. Changing the design to simplicity has contributed to a significant increase in orders. We added interactive filters to the design structure to make it easy for everyone to find the goods they want.

Born to be mobile

Mobile friendly solution

As we mentioned above, the website mobile traffic makes up to 98 percent. For this reason, the graphic design was developed with mobile responsiveness in mind. One of the main priorities was that the customer should be able to call the dispatcher immediately, in addition to the standard purchase through the eshop. We managed to solve this by adding a phone number to each product tab in the product list.

Logo design

Cheerful ‘running bottle’ logo

When designing the logo, we didn’t follow the traditional principles we’d normally go for. The client’s main concern was that the logo should be easy to remember and convey the speed of the delivery service. In view of this, we designed a delivery service ‘mascot’ logo that represents a running bottle.

Promotional items

Stickers, lighters, can designs and more

In addition to developing the e-commerce store, delivery operator system, logo and corporate identity, we also designed the look and feel of promotional items, campaign banners, billboards, and can designs for Dodna’s own brand of drink. By doing so, we strengthened the brand awareness.

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