FMI – facility management training

Web design, WordPress, e-shop

The Facility Management Institute training center deals with property and facility management training. This company provides various types of education, from one-day seminars to comprehensive training in this field. The client’s requirement was to make the original website user-friendly and the dates of courses and trainings easily accessible. To meet these requirements, we decided to integrate an e-commerce solution into the website.

WordPress + WooCommerce

The task was to present the company and its sales of trainings and courses through a website with relatively frequent modifications of its content. We decided to take advantage of the WordPress CMS, which, coupled with the WooCommerce online store, allowed for meeting the client’s requirements.

WooCommerce makes it possible to not only sell traditional products, but also virtual ones.

What has been developed?

Web design

Webdesign – graphic design

The essence of every web page is webdesign – graphics of the web page, which we custom-make based on the client’s ideas and requirements… learn more in the Webdesign section

WordPress CMS

WordPress CMS makes it possible to design more complex websites with a lot of different features… learn more in the WordPress section

tvorba eshopov

Online store

The Woocommerce, which is a WordPress plugin, is also a good platform to base an e-shop on… more in the Online store section

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