Services for commercial companies

Start sro – e-shop, wordpress, webdesign, corporate identity, IT system

Tvorba loga

Project overview

Company Start sro, which provides legal services related to the foundation of companies and legal amendments in their status. When the company started, the founder was still a university student. So the original website was made in a simple manner due to the “student budget”. However, after the business picked up, the need arose to redesign the concept of the website to catch up with the company expansion – and so new services were added. Along with the new website concept a request to redesing the logo and all company visuals was also processed.

Tvorba loga a corporate identity

Corporate identity

The corporate identity has been modernized from the ground up. The first step was to create a modern logo that characterizes the company’s services. An integral part of designing the new logo was the creation of a logo manual containing the basic designs of company visuals, such as business cards, letterheads, packaging designs, promotional items.

Mail management system

The company Start sro has expanded its portfolio of services with a prestigious virtual address in Panorama city. For efficient management, a mail management system needed to be developed serving clients by notifying them of incoming (physical) mails, while they can also view their mails in the system.

Start your business from the ground up with us.

Start sro thumbnails

What has been developed?

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Web design

Web design

The essence of every web page is webdesign – graphics of the web page, which we are ready to design for you… learn more in the Web Design section

Tvorba loga a corporate identity

Logo and corporate identity

A concise logo and corporate identity are the foundation of any company’s credibility… learn more in the Logo and corporate identity section

WordPress CMS

WordPress is one of the most widely used content management systems… learn more in the WordPress section

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