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Web design, WordPress, SEO, multi-lingual site, customer zone
CryoniQ is one of the world leaders in the production of cryochambers. With branches all over the world, one of the main requirements was having a multi-lingual site, with translations and content being managed from a single administration interface. Due to the company’s global scope, it was necessary to make sure the website gets well distributed abroad. Since the server is located in Slovakia, connections from countries on the other side of the world may lag when loading the website, which may affect search results in Google in a given country.
Due to a delay in page loading, some potential customers might just leave the website, causing the company a loss of potential client. For all these reasons we used so called “CDN” – content delivery network for the distribution of websites, which distributes the page to local servers and thus speeds up its loading in the given country. From our experience, in most cases Google prefers national domains to domains from other countries or generic (.com, .net, .org) domains in search results, the website is administered from one place, but its content in other languages is distributed separately for each domain in that country.
It was important for the client to launch the website in all languages and as quickly as possible. For this reason, we opted for WordPress, as we saved a lot of time by using this platform and thus were able to adhere to the client’s ideas about the deadline. Over time the client’s demands on the website functionality as well as the company’s IT and complaint handling system have increased so we are currently working on a solution based on the TYPO 3 CMS platform.
The WordPress platform is suitable for both small and sophisticated websites.
Improve your website and jack up your sales
Webdesign je nie len grafickým návrhom web stránky, ale slúži aj ako návrh štruktúry web stránky a rozloženia prvkov… viac sa dozviete v sekcii Webdesign
WordPress má k dispozícii množstvo rôznych rozšírení, medzi ktoré patrí aj možnosť multijazyčnosti web stránky… viac sa dozviete v sekcii WordPress
Želáte si, aby sa vaša web stránka zobrazovala v Google na prvých priečkach, a to bez nutnosti platenia reklamy?… viac sa dozviete v sekcii SEO optimalizácia
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