Online store with sports equipment

Logo, Corporate identity, Custom design, Prestashop, Special mobile version

Project description

The company KLEINSPORT deals with the sale of sports equipment for leisure time as well as professional equipment for top sports. The client’s wish was to design an e-shop with a wide range of goods, including the import of products from various suppliers and the synchronization of stocks. Along with the new e-shop, the company’s visuals were to be developed as well. This change included tvorbu loga and the complete identity of the company.

Project challenges

High number of items in the eshop totaling over 40,000

Since the whole e-shop is to contain over 40,000 items, we needed to adapt the whole development to this fact. On top of that, items to the e-shop are imported from various vendors. A large number of items required the design of a special megamenu with non-standard technologies and not only that. We had carefully considered the categorization of goods in the e-shop and come up with the correct use of filters so that the customer could easily find his way around such a large number of products. In order to improve user experience, the focus was on mobile devices and a special layout structure for them.

Web design

Web design / UI /UX



Nákupný proces


Mobilná verzia

Mobile version

Tvorba loga a dizajn manuál

Logo and corporate identity

The client’s requirements were a dynamic, sporty, memorable corporate identity and at the same time for it to capture the company’s values. Based on the name of the company, we chose the letter K as Klein sport, which, however, we adapted to the motif of a man rising from a seat. At the same time, we designed colors for this logo that capture the company’s values. We have also created a design manual for the logo and the entire corporate identity, which contains a lot of information about the correct use of the logo, colors, brands, business card designs, letterheads, etc.

Kleinsport thumbnails



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