Web design pre portál

Lawyer finder

Graphic design, UI, UX and documentation

Webdesign pre portál

Project description

The project was proposed by the founder of the Ask the lawyer Facebook group, which has over 150 000 members. The aim was to help ordinary people to easily find the legal help they seek. The client had her own development team, hence she only asked us to develop the graphic design and descriptions for the different features of the system. The project should be launched shortly.

Webová grafika pre portál

What has been developed?

Web design

Web design

We are ready to design the look of your new portal in line with your thoughts and ideas… learn more about the important elements of graphic design in the Web Design section

Project documentation for development

Project documentation

Project documentation is an essential part of any challenging project… learn more in the Project documentation section

Portals development

Portals development

When developing web portals, as well as the graphic design, project documentation is also necessary… learn more in the Web portal development section

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