
E-commerce platform suitable for medium and large solutions

Prestashop as an eshop platform

If the expected number of items in the web shop exceeds 100, Prestashop becomes a suitable platform.

Its main advantage is, against all similar solutions, the excellent ratio of the price of development and the range of functionalities.

Prestashop tvorba eshopov

What kind of projects is Prestashop recommended for

If the online store is your main source of income, it is certainly advisable to consider the Prestashop CMS. Prestashop is a robust system that is characterized by high reliability and, unlike Magento, is easier to modify. Thus, we can modify Prestashop for you in the desired way. Thanks to our long-term experience, we have already modified Prestashop into a usable solution in its basic form. The plain-vanilla system has many shortcomings especially in the purchasing process. However, we managed to eliminate these and the eshop developed by us on the Prestashop platform can compete with much more expensive custom developed solutions.

Modified Prestashop
can outperform tailor-made e-shops

Eshop na mieru -prestashop

Main benefits of Prestashop

From the many benefits, you can read about the most important ones

Price-quality ratio for development

Prestashop offers the best price-performance ratio in relation to functionality for medium and large web shop solutions. The advantage of the system is that most parts can be modified relatively easily, and thus meet even more demanding requirements. Prestashop is built from the ground up as a web shop platform and all its functionalities are adapted to it. For the basic solution, it is necessary to purchase several localization modules, for example for Slovak invoices and a few others.

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Lots of functionalities

Prestashop has a really wide range of functionalities, whether it is a frontend or admin zone, so we will mention only the most important ones. Frontend, full text search with product designs, product filtering by parameters and properties (suitable for web shops with many items), related products (it is possible to assign other recommended products to the product, which can increase your turnover), sales of not only classic but also virtual products and many more.

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Lots of modules

Prestashop can be extended with almost any functionality. One of the most popular with our clients is payment by credit card, such as GoPay, CardPay. Another is the XML export of products to price comparators, such as Heureka and many others. This platform has a number of different modules available, so it’s up to you which one to choose.

Multistore – one admin, multiple web shops on different domains

This function already belongs to the basis of Prestashop. Thanks to this, it is possible to control several web shops on different domains via one administration interface. This means that only you decide in which web shop the given product, or other data, will be displayed and with which elements. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that this functionality has some limitations, but by working with us, we can remove these limitations.

Possibility of connection with accounting systems – POHODA, Money S3

Thanks to the extensions, we can connect Prestashop with basic accounting systems. When connecting to systems, it will be important to know what connection you will be interested in, as there are many connection options. It is also important to know whether it is a one-way or two-way communication, i.e. whether, for example, you are only interested in linking orders directly to the accounting system, or you want to have a warehouse and products synchronized with the accounting system.

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Online commerce services

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Web design

If you are serious about Prestashop, it is good to have a graphic design tailored to its functionalities… more in the Web Design section



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tvorba eshopov

Web shops

In addition to information about Prestashop, you can learn more about what the creation of an online store entails in general… more in the Creating Web Shop section

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