Project documentation

for a portal or company system

Tvorba projektovej dokumentácie pre portál, systém, CRM

Project documentation – makes the development smooth

In order to program the system correctly, the developer must know the exact functional specification of the work, so that the core system, the database and the functionality related to these things are connected correctly. Misunderstanding on the basis of a bad assignment can lead to a significant prolongation of the development and, last but not least, an increase in the price of the final work. It follows from the above that a precise description of the system’s functioning is extremely important when creating projects of a larger scale, such as a portal or a company system. Another advantage is that the development company will be able to determine more precisely the final amount for programming work with such a system. This means that it will not happen to you that the programmers will only estimate the amount for the work and then the amount will increase many times over.

You can also order project documentation from us separately before selecting a development company. The benefit is that it will be easier for you to compare the prices of potential suppliers.

What is project documentation?

Its benefits and effects on the final product’s price

Project documentation – saves time, money and a lot of stress

Thanks to the project documentation, the development company or programmer will receive the exact assignment and procedure of the work to be performed. This fact poses several benefits. Thanks to an extensive description of a project, the development company will know exactly what to program and what the scope of work will be. Based on your request for quotation, upon delivery of such documentation and specifications, the developer will be able to determine the final price and time range much more accurately.

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Graphic design, UI, web design – to see the look of your system

Unlike other companies, which place only so-called wire frames (cube block designs and sketches) in the project documentation, we directly incorporate the graphic design of the project into the project documentation, mainly because of getting a better idea of ​​what the system will look like and how the individual elements will be placed on the page. This is due to the fact that it is not possible to estimate the complete clarity and functionality of the system from the wire frame, and consequently misunderstandings can arise when creating a graphic design.

Description of the work – prevents misunderstandings and shortens the development time

The functional specification, in addition to graphic designs of the work, also contains a description of each and every element included in the graphic design. The document will describe all functionalities and their connection to other parts and subsequent processes. This precisely defines the functionality and transparency of the work.

For which projects do we recommend project documentation

We recommend project documentation mostly for larger projects with a number of functionalities, especially if it is a tailor-made system. It can be applied to larger web pages and web shops with interactive functionalities of a larger scope, or to more demanding solutions. When creating portals or corporate systems, project documentation and functional specifications should be an integral part of the work.

Scope of project documentation

Depending on the complexity of the system, the scope of project documentation also varies. For simpler projects, the range of graphic designs and description of the work fits in tens of pages. For demanding and extensive projects, such documentation can have hundreds of pages.

Are you interested in project documentation?

See also other services related to it

tvorba firemných systémov

Company system

If you are interested in designing a project documentation for a company system, the following information may also be of interest to you… more in Company system section.

Portals development

Web portals

As described above, project documentation is used in the process of portal creation. If you are interested in more information about the development of the portal, visit the page Web portals

Web design

Web design

Part of the project documentation is also a graphic design of the solution… you can find out more in the Web design section.

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