WordPress – content management system

The most used CMS system in the world

WordPress as the website CMS

WordPress is a content management system – originally designed as a system for creating and managing blogs, but today it offers a much wider range of options, from the functionality of a CMS system with a very simple content management, to e-commerce solutions.

The advantage of the WordPress system is that with the help of extensions we can give you full control over the website so you can manage it easily and intuitively.

Wordpress - tvorba web stránok a eshopov na mieru

What kind of projects is WordPress recommended for

WordPress CMS is best utilized for the development of small and medium-sized projects. Its advantage is easy content management and the relatively fast speed of website or e-shop development. Thanks to this platform, your websites can be designed in just a few days or weeks. And not only that. WordPress can be extended with an almost unlimited amount of different plugins or even with an eshop. Since the platform is relatively easy to modify via programming, if there is no available plugin with exactly the desired features, they can be custom programmed for you.

Fast development and simple administration
this is the power of WordPress

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What you need to know about WordPress

Simple, efficient and affordable solution, suitable for small and medium-sized projects

Main benefits of WordPress

We can create a web page in the WordPress system in relatively short time, so if you need to launch your web presentation quickly, WordPress is the ideal solution. Thanks to this system, you can edit the content of the page, such as texts, images, videos, pdf files and many other things, all by yourself. Of course, the solution we have created is responsiveness (good display of the website on a mobile phone).

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Simple administration

WordPress brings a number of benefits to the user, especially with a smaller web presentation. One of its undeniable advantages is its simple administration. The solution proposed by us on this system enables simple structuring of complete content on a web page, moving individual elements on the web page and others. The sizes of headings, texts and elements can be modified via the WordPress administration interface without any programming knowledge.

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WordPress functionalities

Basically, WordPress itself has a number of features that will make life easier for the average user. You can easily add buttons, forms, galleries, articles, pages, videos, and many other elements to a page. We can extend this system with almost any functionality, there are countless possibilities, but we select the most common requirements of our clients.

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WordPress fundamentals

Thanks to our experience, we have fine-tuned the WordPress administration interface so that really anyone can control it. We purchase most of the used modules from certified and verified developers, or we program or modify them at our own expense. Many inexperienced developers use unverified modules that are incompatible with the WordPress version or are unstable, which can affect not only the functionality but also the speed and security of the website.

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of our work

What can WordPress be used for

The most common use of WordPress

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Website creation

The following information is closely related to WordPress, so it is advisable to read this section as well, you can find out more in the section Creating Web Pages

tvorba eshopov

Web shops

For more information on choosing a suitable platform for a web shop and what creating s web shop entails, you can click the Developing web shops section.

Portals development

Web portals

Although we recommend using WordPress for smaller portals, before contacting our company you can also view the section Creating Portals

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